This blog isn't about singing as much as it is about stretching. Trying new things. As a professional writer for more than 30 years, I'm usually the guy with a notebook or laptop in the corner of the room. I've often adopted that posture in my personal life, too--sitting back, making commentary while others put on the show. With singing, I stand and join the chorus.
Why is that important? For starters, it's the people. Since I began singing two years ago, many new and wonderful people have entered my life. I share jitters, hugs and high-fives with teen-agers and their parents at recitals and local events where my singing teacher's students are invited to perform. With old friends, I've made harmonies that never would have been heard without my adventures in singing. And I made buddies from six to 60 in the community theatre production of The Wizard of Oz this past summer. How could I ever forget the kindergarten-age Munchkin who took my hand and grinned after every performance as the cast stepped downstage for our curtain call? That wouldn't have happened if my fingers had been poised over a laptop, now would it?
I am grateful for the constants in my life--a relationship, a family, a home, a job. But at 58, I am also beginning to understand that life does not have assigned seating. We are free to get up and move about, to enjoy the view from different angles, fresh perspectives. It might be comfortable, but we do not have to sit in the same pew at church every Sunday. Indeed, I believe we are obliged to take different ones as we go through life. The one near the choir? The one by the window? The one where that new couple is sitting who joined the church last month? Whatever the choice, you might very well make a difference in someone's life, and your own.
What are you doing to break out of your comfort zone?
Mike, your post struck a chord so I had to comment. Not sure if you knew this, but over the past several years I made a decision to attempt something I'd daydreamed about for a long time: write a novel. Long story short, it's being published early next year with two more to follow in the series. I am stretching and finding myself way out of my comfort zone. As a writer, too, I've also been the one sitting in the back with my eyes glued to my laptop. What I'm learning every day is that this new chapter in my life (pun) is requiring more from me than simply writing ... definitely an adventure. Some parts terrifying and some thrilling, and all of it new. ~ Leslie
ReplyDeleteWonderful, Leslie. I did see the news about your novel on Facebook and haven't had a chance to congratulate you. So ... congratulations. It is a huge achievement. Please drop me a reminder when it is out. And thank you for your comment. Stretching feels good, doesn't it?